Saturday, August 7, 2010

Yes It Took That Long!

Okay so it has been almost 3 months since the car accident, and it is only now that I am beginning to feel almost back to normal. Although it was a relatively minor accident, with less than $5000 damage, because I saw it coming and braced for the impact I actually was more injured than if I had not seen it coming. Here is a list of the therapies I have been getting: chiropractic care, (adjustments, TENS stimulation, heat and trigger point work) Neuro Modulation Technique (an amazing therapy that treats the emotional as well as the physical aspects of the pain), massage and acupuncture. I also was given supplements, Sequoia, to strengthen the legs and hip area, and Ribes Nigram to assist with adrenal depletion and build back emotional and physical strength and endurance. The other thing in my favor was that because it is summer, it is slow, I am not teaching a full schedule and there aren't as many gigs. I was able to rest more than I would have been if this had happened during "the season". The chiropractor is impressed and says I am doing better than most people my age who have an accident of this type. In the last two weeks I have finally been able to conduct a rehearsal without being in pain the next day, play a gig with out being in pain the next day and have a normal practice session where I didn't have to make sure that I stopped and changed position every 15 minutes! I feel so fortunate to have these wonderful therapists to work with. From the beginning, my goal was to get well, not "make money"! I didn't go to a lawyer, I picked the therapists that I knew would heal me rather than ones recommended by a legal professional. If you or someone you know is ever in an accident, healing is the prime point. In Florida, with no-fault insurance your company must pay for your therapies. I was also lucky because I pay a bit more (maybe $15?) to have extra coverage that pays for 100% of the cost of the therapy. It really paid off! Many musicians struggle with health insurance. We just have hospitalization, so I decided to pay the little extra for the full coverage on the car insurance. Everything was done and no one needed to wait for the other party to come through etc.. I am sure that this also made it easier for the therapists to decide to treat me.

As musicians, our bodies are at least 1/2 of the equation. If we hurt, then we cannot play our best. At the very least, the pain distracts us from really concentrating on the music. Accidents happen. Any musician who drives a lot, (that is most of us) runs the risk of this and most of the musicians I know have had some sort auto accident. Some of them never fully recover from these, even if they seem minor at the time. Alternative therapies can provide a wonderful option for traumatic injury. Even if there is a severe injury requiring hospitalization or surgery, alternative therapies can help to support the traditional therapies that may be needed. The interesting thing about alternative therapy is that even as they are treating the injury, other aspects of your health also benefit as they treat the person not just the injury. I strongly recommend them for any one who has had an accident of any kind that inhibits their daily activity. Good luck!

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