Monday, November 1, 2010

Visualization Technique for Your Best Performance

Well it has been a while since my last post. I wanted to post something USEFUL, rather than just informational. I have taught this to kids as young as 10 and they really liked it. It works with older performers as well. Actually this technique can be used to prepare for any type of performance not just a musical one. The trick is to really visualize oneself in the exercise and allow your mind to assist you. If you tend to have certain bad habits performing, add those in to your visualization and make it your own personal script. Good luck and enjoy. Let me know how it goes, those of you who do try it!

Visualization Technique for Peak Performance

Adapted from that of Dr. Konefal from CAM at the Miller School of Medicine University of Miami

1. Sit in a comfortable chair and relax. Imagine a screen in front of you at a comfortable distance with all the knobs you need to adjust color, sound, clarity etc.

2. Imagine yourself on the screen either getting ready to perform or performing.

What would you change or tweak to improve your performance?
Are you sitting or standing the way you want?
Are you holding tension in your body where you should be relaxed?
Are your shoulders creeping upward when you want them settled into your shoulder sockets?
How does your playing sound? What would you change? Rate? Volume? Ease of fingering? Breath?

3. Are you connecting with the audience? If not, imagine the connection from your sense of self in the image, through your body, into your instrument, out across space and reaching the audience.

4. Make any other adjustments until you are pleased with your playing.

5. Bring the image of yourself on the screen into yourself sitting relaxed in your chair.

6. Check to make sure this feels good.

7. If you need to make any other corrections to your playing, put the image back on the screen and make the corrections. Then.,, bring the image with the additional corrections inside.

8. Check again.

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